
Alice in WonderlandTout à Trac‘Cheers!’ Series

2016-12-09 ~ 12-10 ( 7:30 PM )
2016-12-10 ~ 12-11 ( 3:00 PM )
HKD 240, 180, 140

Revisit the classic literary treasures and discover the magical charm of books!

In English with Chinese and English surtitles.

Adapted from Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland

Alice refuses to do her homework. She prefers to play and daydream in her father’s study where she stumbles across a strange rabbit that nibbles on books. Wanting to stop it from eating books, Alice follows the rabbit into its rabbit hole. She chases it through its borough and discovers a wonderland where she encounters many strange and fascinating characters. In this adaption of Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland, setting is no longer a garden but a library full of pop-up books. Audience will be amazed that each book becomes a door to the next adventure…Will you follow the rabbit?