
Rural Arts and Culture Discussion Forum香港大學公民與治理研究中心策動永續發展坊

Xiang Hai Xuan Multi-purpose Hall, Nan Lian Garden, Diamond Hill, Kowloon
2019-09-07 ( 2:00 PM ~ 5:00 PM )
Free Admission

Rural communities are bearers of rich indigenous historical, cultural and social assets, but the inheritance of rural assets is threatened by urbanisation. Guests from the field of Arts and Culture are invited to share their insights on encouraging public access to these assets from four perspectives, namely music and songs, food culture, mixed-media art and films. They will also interact with the audience to explore ways for the sustainable inheritance of these valuable indigenous arts and culture. Participants of the Academy for Sustainable Communities’ public events will be invited to join the Sustainable Communities Fellowship Scheme as Fellows, and will be eligible to apply for the soon to be announced Rural in Action Start-up Scheme.