
"Jonah! No.No.No"【HKIDAF 2023】Kairos Arts Development Company Limited

Director, Playwright, Actor, Backstage Staff
Actor, Backstage Staff
2023-09-09 ( 12:00 NN , 3:30 PM )
HKD 120

A clown show full of fun and humour.

The inspiration of this show comes from the Bible story, "Jonah.” Jonah the clown received God’s calling to go to the City of Nineveh to persuade the Nineveh clowns to repent; or God will destroy the City in 40 days. However, Jonah fled from God and His mission.....

This story covers the course of events from Jonah’s escaping to repenting; he was swallowed by a big fish and stuck in the deep water, and finally Jonah responded to his calling and accomplished God's mission for him.

Being irritated and upset by the Ninevites clowns and Jonah, God might need extra doses of ginseng tea. It is a story full of laughter and affection, we hope you enjoy the show.


More Details:


- Free seating.
- Duration: 45 mins.
- Language: Cantonese.

Production / Artist
Director, Playwright, Actor, Backstage StaffLeong Lap Chu
Actor, Backstage StaffLo Hang Shing, Law Haw Pui Helen, Sylvia Or