
Waiting For GodotABA Productions

2012-10-17 ~ 10-20 | 7:45 pm
2012-10-20 ~ 10-21 | 3 pm
HK$ 495, 395, 295, 345*, 245*

On a bare country road Vladimir and his friend Estragon wait in hope of salvation from a man called Godot. Their hope of salvation lies in Godot's arrival. While waiting they play games, entertain one another with vaudevillian tricks, question whether Godot will arrive and how they will benefit when he does. They are interrupted by the arrival of Pozzo (a land owner) and Lucky (Pozzo's slave). Pozzo questions their reasoning for waiting. Lucky performs a staggering burst of a monologue. Pozzo and Lucky exit, night falls and a young boy arrives and tells Vladimir and Estragon that "Mr Godot won’t come here today but he'll surely arrive tomorrow.” In Act two Pozzo returns but he is blind and Lucky is mute. Vladimir and Estragon continue waiting. Still determining to go, the tramps do not move.
