
The Hands of TimeAll Theatre Art Association國際綜藝合家歡2009 ( 幻彩奇緣 )

2009-07-17 ~ 07-18 | 7:30 pm
2009-07-18 ~ 07-19 | 3 pm
2009-07-19 | 11 pm
HK$ 160

The King plays his saxophone hoping the Prince will one day be ready to rule the Kingdom of Time. The Queen sings opera keeping a close watch on her son. But their teenage son wants no part in the family's business. He just wants to party and rock n' roll! Meanwhile, Maids 3, 6 and 9 try to sabotage and rule the kingdom themselves by stealing the King's telescope of power! They put Maid 12, a storyteller who is faithful to the King, in prison. This makes the balance of nature tip over to the dark side and the Prince has to learn to follow his heart in order to bring back the light...