


導賞內容:2018年3月,將踏入JCCAC十年的日子,一羣藝術村租户有見及此,打算於三月舉辦一個10年展!邀請各界人士一起參予及纪念這個難得的日子。這次展覽名為《我在JCCAC十年》,將於2018年3月27日至2018年4月1日舉行,地點將於JCCAC L1 藝廊、中央庭園及其他樓層的公共空間和藍牆舉行。




Tour Content: We are a group of artists in JCCAC. Time passes by, we will step into the 10th anniversary of JCCAC in March this year. We have a feeling and passion about this special moment. So we intend to hold a 10th years exhibition, to invite all of you to join and celebrate this special day. The event, entitled "Ten years in JCCAC", will be held from March 27, 2018 to April 1, 2018. It will happen mainly in the L-1 Gallery, the Central Courtyard, different levels of public spaces and the blue walls.


To publize this art village, we will hold a public guided tours on April 1, 2018. JCCAC artists will let you know more of our little stories and to walk you through this art village.



日期 Date:1/4/2018

導賞時段 Time Slot:12:00-12:45 / 13:00-13:45 / 14:00-14:45 / 15:00-15:45 / 16:00-16:45

導賞節數 No Of Tours:10節(每個時段兩節/ two tours per time slot)

每節人數 Tour Size:25

費用 Fee:免費 Free



Gathering Point:JCCAC L1 Gallery entrance (please arrive 15 mins before tour starts)



協辦單位:石硤尾藝術村聯會 Shek Kip Mei Arts Union

贊助  :深水埗區議會 Sham Shui Po District Council

場地贊助:賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre



Emily 97736176
Man 92283302
