Kitty Cheung

Cheung Man-yui Kitty has performed in over 25 countries and with orchestras such as London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican Hall, Rochester Philharmonic and New York String Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. Her performances have been broadcast by BBC Radio 3 and RTHK. She has played under distinguished conductors including Valery Gergiev, Pierre Boulez and Sir Colin Davis.

Cheung began her early violin training in Hong Kong under the tutelage of the late Professor Lin Yao-ji, the head of violin of the Central Conservatory in Beijing. She holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Eastman School of Music, where she studied with Charles Castleman and Zvi Zeitlin.

As an active chamber musician, Cheung is also a founding member of “Contrast”, the only professional violin-saxophone-piano trio in Hong Kong. Besides performing in regular concert settings, she often gives educational workshops, including the Chamber Tots series at Wigmore Hall in London. She had also given masterclasses at the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Lakes Area Chamber Music Festival in the USA.


Source: HKU MUSE

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