
YALC 網上復活節課程耀中語藝教育中心

2020-04-07 ~ 04-17

[A] Online Astronomy Explorer [FULL]
網上天文探索 (Aged 6-12歲) [已滿]
- Learn the planets in our Solar System through special interactive software and planet explorer card game. 通過特殊的互動軟件和星球探險紙牌遊戲,了解太陽系中的行星
- Learn how to use star map and constellation explorer card game to locate the constellations.
- Build your own simple telescope and learn the optics in telescope.
- Find out how to launch your own paper rocket.了解如何發射自製的紙火箭
- Safely observe the Sun with solar-viewer and prepare for June 2020 solar eclipse in Hong Kong
用太陽觀察器 安全地觀察太陽並為6月在香港出現的日蝕做準備
- Is Alien really exist? 外星人真的存在嗎?

7-9/4/2020, 1:00-2:30pm OR 或 15-17/4/2020, 1:00-2:30pm
Fee 費用: HK$2,500 (including material fee 包括材料費) + online application fee 網上報名費

[B] Online Science Explorer [FULL]
網上科學探索 (Aged 6-12歲) [已滿]
- Learn how to change the size of egg 了解如何更改雞蛋的大小
- Magic of salt 鹽魔法
- Create your plane launcher 創建您的飛機發射器
- Operate 3D spinner in balance 操作陀螺儀
- Create your rotating dance bubble to learn surface tension 透過泡泡以學習表面張力
- Create super large bubble 創造超大泡泡
- Make a dancing robot 做一個跳舞機器人

7-9/4/2020, 4:00-5:30pm OR或 15-17/4/2020, 4:00-5:30pm
Fee 費用: HK$2,500 (including material fee 包括材料費) + online application fee 網上報名費

Remarks 備註 [A & B]:
- Materials will be posted to you before class starts, courier fee (HK$30-50) is cash on delivery
上課開始前材料將寄送到你家中, 快遞費(約HK $ 30-50)為貨到付款
- For age 6 to 8, it is advised to have an adult to assist with the experiments

[C] e-Fitness 網上體能訓練 (Aged 5-7 / 8-12歲)

Professional coach guide students to perform physical training activities online, so that children can maintain a proper amount of exercise at home

Aged 5-7歲, Fee 費用: HK$580 (3hrs) + online application fee 網上報名費
7-9/4/2020, 10:00am-11:00am OR 或 1:30pm-2:30pm
15-17/4/2020, 10:00am-11:00am OR 或 1:30pm-2:30pm
Aged 8-12歲, Fee 費用: HK$580 (3hrs) + online application fee 網上報名費
7-9/4/2020, 11:15am-12:15pm OR 或 2:45pm-3:45pm
15-17/4/2020, 11:15am-12:15pm OR 或 2:45pm-3:45pm

- For age 5 to 7, it is advised to accompany with an adult 建議5至7歲學生有成年人陪伴進行課堂

[D] Joyful Easter e-Playgroup 網上復活節遊戲組 (Aged 2-2.11 / 3-5歲)

Offering fun-filled and wide range of activities for children to enjoy a fruitful Easter holiday!

Aged 2-2.11歲 , Fee 費用: HK$600 (2hr15min) + online application fee 網上報名費 , max. 4
7-9/4/2020, 9:30am-10:15am OR 或 2:00pm-2:45pm OR 或 4:15pm-5:00pm
15-17/4/2020, 9:30am-10:15am OR 或 2:00pm-2:45pm OR 或 4:15pm-5:00pm
Aged 3-5 歲 , Fee 費用: HK$600 (3hrs) + online application fee 網上報名費 , max.6
7-9/4/2020, 10:30am-11:30am OR 或 11:45am-12:45pm OR 或 3:00pm-4:00pm
15-17/4/2020, 10:30am-11:30am OR 或 11:45am-12:45pm OR 或 3:00pm-4:00pm

- accompany with an adult 需有成年人陪伴進行課堂

- Classes are conducted via Zoom 上課通過Zoom進行
- All classes are conducted in English 所有課堂以英語進行
- Limited quota, first-come-first-served 名額有限,先到先得
- Every transaction will be charged an online registration fee, which is non-refundable once the transaction has completed. 每筆交易都將收取在線註冊費,交易完成後將不予退還。


- Classes are conducted via Zoom
- All classes are conducted in English
