fatina kong

My style of work has been exploring the combination of Chinese painting and Western media. Traditional Chinese painting is to uses ink, mineral colors, etc. on silk or paper. Although growing up in Hong Kong, I received mostly Western art training. In 2018, I visited Xining, China to study Buddha painting thangka, and stayed in Japan for one month for the artist residency program. I realized that due to differences in language, beliefs, and lifestyle, these experiences make traditional Eastern paintings have a completely different composition, brush strokes, and feelings. I use the recordings and images from daily life to form a landscape that combines memories and fantasy. Because I use ink and silk as painting media, and the emptiness in painting achieves traditional Chinese aesthetic.


Source: Contemporary by Angela Li

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2024.2.1 - 3.2
Visual Arts
2023.5.23 - 6.3
Visual Arts
2020.12.24 - 26