
香港埃及民俗及東方舞蹈匯演2021Dance Nefertiti Studio by Maxwell International Holdings Limited

2021-05-29 ( 5:00 PM ~ 6:15 PM , 8:30 PM ~ 9:45 PM )
HKD 400

一場將會令你對埃及東方舞 (#肚皮舞)耳目一新的表演!在埃及,舞蹈是一種藝術。埃及人在大小節日中,都會安排舞蹈表演。2021年5月,讓您從文化角度了解埃及舞蹈藝術,更深入認識古埃及歷史。


The roots of modern day 'Belly Dance' is Egyptian Folklore dances based on their rich culture and long history. We wish to showcase Egypt's fun loving couture through her traditiona folk dances so that audience will enjoy this dance form from a cultural perspective.