Mandy Wong

Mandy Wong is currently a music undergraduate at Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in piano under the tutelage of Dr. Yoonie Han and Ms Rachel Cheung. She is also a percussionist and was admitted to The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Junior Music Program at thirteen. She continues her percussion study as a minor instrument at university under the guidance of Dr. Matthew Lau.

Mandy started her piano study at the age of seven and received the LTCL diploma in Piano Performance with distinction by the age of 17. During her studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, Mandy has performed in the masterclasses of Prof. Andrew Parr and William Grant Nabore. In 2020, she was awarded Honourable Mention for her outstanding music performance at the Department of Music.


Source: SoundZpace

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Piano / Percussion
2021.5.13 - 15
2007.9.14 - 15