
YALC Christmas Programme 2021耀中語藝教育中心


🌟  Performing Arts 表演藝術課程

🔴  Performing Star 星藝營 [Age 3-5歲]
• Specialize in drama, music and choreography 專注於戲劇、音樂和舞蹈
• Create a theme-based costume or props 親自製作劇中配飾
Theme 主題:Merry Frozen Christmas 雪魔聖誕 (221-M9063A)
Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff are going to make this Christmas the most festive one Arendelle has ever seen. Boost your child’s confidence through singing, dancing and acting out to the tune of the next chapter of their adventures.

Date 日期: 20/12 - 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間: 9:00am -10:30am
Fee 費用: $1,680 (6hrs)
including materials 費用已包材料費
Class Venue 上課地點: Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

🔴  Performing Star 星藝營 [Age 3-5歲]
Theme 主題:Batboy and Batgirl 蝙蝠騎士 (221-M9063B)
It’s New Year’s Eve, and our Performing Stars have gone missing from the celebration. Our superheroes, Batboy and Batgirl, are trying to track down the culprit and free them. Be part of our top tier theatre programme to help them save the day!. 在除夕夜我們的星藝小星在慶祝活動中失蹤了,蝙蝠騎士努力追查罪魁禍首並拯救他們。快加入我們,幫助他們挽救我們的星藝小星來化解危機。

Date 日期: 28/12 - 31/12 (Tue-Fri)
Time 時間: 9:00am -10:30am
Fee 費用: $1,680 (6hrs)
including materials 費用已包材料費
Class Venue 上課地點: Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

* Student need to attend classes independently 學生需要獨立上課
* Performance will be recorded on the last day of the camp 表演於課程末錄影後發佈
* Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構: WhizKids

🔴  The Spotlight Theatre 聚光燈劇院 [Age 6-9歲]
• Step up performing skills and learn lines 提升表演技巧和學習劇本
• Work on vocal projection and expression techniques 運用音調和增強表達技巧
• High-energy dynamics of singing, dancing, and acting classes 充滿活力的歌舞和表演課
• Create a theme-based costume or prop 親自製作劇中配飾

Theme 主題:Merry Christmas from an Incredible Family 超能特攻 (221-M9064A)
Join an amazing Christmas musical journey with Bob, Helen and their three super kids. A villain emerges, and our family of supers will need your help to prepare for this perilous plot.

Date 日期: 20/12 - 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間: 10:30am-12:00nn
Fee 費用: $1,680 (6hrs)
including materials 費用已包材料費
Class Venue 上課地點: Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Theme 主題:Pi-ka’s New Year Mission 小精靈比卡的新年任務 (221-M9064B)
At the countdown New Year party, Clemont and Bonnie have found a pocket-sized monster, Squishy. Pikachu will have to rescue them from the threat of a dangerous, poisonous opponent. Join in on this epic musical journey to celebrate with the Pocket Monsters!
在倒數新年派對上,克萊蒙和邦妮發現了一隻精靈 Squishy。比卡超將他們從危險對手的威脅中拯救出來。齊來與一班小精靈一起慶祝,加入這場音樂之旅!

Date 日期: 28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間: 10:30am-12:00nn
Fee 費用: $1,680 (6hrs)
including materials 費用已包材料費
Class Venue 上課地點: Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

* Performance will be recorded on the last day of the camp 表演於課程末錄影後發佈
* Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構: WhizKids

🔴  Jazz & Hiphop 爵士嘻哈舞[Age 4-6歲]
Training for the rhythm and physical coordination, suitable for beginners or those who are interested in dancing. Performance will be recorded on the last day of the camp. 訓練學生的節奏感和肢體協調,適合初學或對舞蹈有興趣者。表演於課程末錄影後發佈。

Course Code 課程編號:221-D9071A
Date 日期:20/12-23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-D9071A
Date 日期:20/12-23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

Course Code 課程編號:221-D9071B
Date 日期:28/12-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-D9071B
Date 日期:28/12-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語

🔴  Jazz & Hiphop 爵士嘻哈舞 [Age 7-10歲]
Jazz & Hiphop technique & choreography. Performance will be recorded on the last day of the camp. 爵士嘻哈舞蹈技巧和編舞。表演於課程末錄影後發佈。

Course Code 課程編號:221-D9072A
Date 日期:20/12-23/12 (Mon-Thu)
Time 時間:1:00pm – 2:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-D9072B
Date 日期:28/12-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:1:00pm – 2:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,120 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語

🔴  Chinese Dance 中國舞 [Age 4-7歲]
Featuring Han and Tang Dynasty 漢唐樂舞特色課程
Programme featuring Han and Tang Dynasty’s music and dance. Through this programme, children know more about traditional culture, cultivate the inner temperament of fair ladies and modest gentlemen. 漢唐樂舞特色課程為兒童普及傳統文化而編製的舞蹈課程,讓孩子們在學習舞蹈的過程中學會知書達禮,培養窈窕淑女、謙謙君子的內在氣質。

• [Qi Shi起式] Beginning Move開始禮
Through dancing, a preliminary understanding of traditional etiquette knowledge will be introduced 運用舞蹈讓孩子對傳統禮儀知識有初步了解
• [Ren Zhi Chu人之初] Performance Combination表演性組合
Encouraging children to sing while dancing and learning the “Three Character Classic” at the same time, which achieves the role of entertaining and aesthetic education舞蹈讓孩子在邊跳邊唱中學讀 [三字經] 經典語句,達到寓教於樂、美育教化的作用
• [Shou Shi收式] Closing Move結束禮
In cooperate with ancient poetry dancing and singing with elegant music rhyme to relax the body and mind, and at the same time cultivating children’s good morals of kindness and gratitude.
• Performance will be recorded on the last day of the camp. 表演於課程末錄影後發佈

Course Code 課程編號:221-D0501A
Date 日期:20/12-23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,980 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including costume fee 費用已包括服裝費

Course Code 課程編號:T221-D0501A
Date 日期:20/12-23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:11:30am – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,980 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳
Including costume fee 費用已包括服裝費

Course Code 課程編號:221-D0501B
Date 日期:28/12-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,980 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including costume fee 費用已包括服裝費

Course Code 課程編號:T221-D0501B
Date 日期:28/12-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:11:30am – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,980 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點: Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳
Including costume fee 費用已包括服裝費
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: Mandarin 普通話
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: Tangya Arts Tech Limited

🌟  Science & Technology 科學與科技

🔴  Energy Works 能量工程 [Age 3-5歲]
Students review different kinds of energy and how it’s converted in a system: energy their bodies produce, potential and kinetic energy, the motion of waves, plus alternative forms of energy. They engineer a waterwheel, then a wind turbine. Energy Works allows students to gain experience with different kinds of energy and see how energy is converted to different forms within a system. 審視不同類型的能量以及在系統的能量轉換方式:身體產生的能量,潛能動能,以及其他形式的能量,設計自己的水車,風力渦輪機。

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9070A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8 hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y9070A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:11:30am – 1:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8 hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳
including materials 已包材料費
* Medium of instructions授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構:ActiveKids

🔴  Gizmos Gadgets and Goops 玩味發明家 [Age 6-12歲]
Every invention starts with a single idea that grows into a new creation. In this course, children will dive into the world of physics and discover energy changes from heat to electricity to motion, the children will look at energy changes and how various inventors started with simple science to create some amazing products. 學生將深入物理學世界,並發現當能量從一種形式轉換為另一種形式時,它會使事情發生神奇力量。

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9034B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8 hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費
* Medium of instructions授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構:ActiveKids

🔴  RoboCode Logical Kids 兒童RoboCode邏輯思維 [Age 3-5歲]
RoboCode: Logical Kids has seized this opportunity and developed this programme to help enhance logical thinking in kids. By using logic boards and simple programming blocks, we will guide children to become systematic and logical thinkers. This is a foundation course for children to develop the following life-long skills:
RoboCode:Logical Kids抓住這個機會,並開發了該程序來幫助增強孩子的邏輯思維能力。通過使用邏輯板和簡單的編程部件,將引導學生邏輯思維,這是兒童發展終身技能的基礎課程:
⭐ Logical Thinking 邏輯思維 ⭐ Spatial Recognition 空間識別 ⭐ Reasoning and Perseverance 推理與毅力

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9067A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:2:00pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8 hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費
* Medium of instructions授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構:ActiveKids

🔴  Build your own science instruments 製作科學儀器 [Age 9-14歲]
All new science discoveries are made possible with the help of science instruments. In this course, you will build your own science instruments to discover your surroundings. All materials are made in Germany.
A. Build microscope to discover the microscopic world 製作顯微鏡來探索微細的世界
B. Build spectroscope to discover the secret source code of light 製作光譜儀來找尋光線的秘密原始碼
C. Build large Galileo telescope to discover the sky objects 製作大型伽利略式望遠鏡來找尋天上的星體
D. Build large Kepler telescope to learn the discovery of Astronomer Kepler 製作大型開普勒望遠鏡來學習天文學家開普勒的發現

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9076A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,080 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9076B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,080 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費
* Learning Material includes microscope, spectroscope, large Galileo telescope and large Kepler telescope
*Student need to prepare their own big bag for taking back the materials
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: Achievers Track Company

🔴  Advance STEM Challenges 進階STEM 挑戰 [Age 9-14歲]
A. Computer science logic: Using world renowned Turing Tumble set — a marble-powered mechanical machine to learn computer logics. Participant will create their own computer logic machine, counting machine and many more logic machineries. (It does not require a computer for this activity). 電腦科學邏輯:利用由美國電腦科學教授設計的波子運算機 Turing Tumble 來學習電腦邏輯。學生會設計簡易計算器、數數目機及不同邏輯運算機 (此部份不需使用電腦)
B. Climate Change: Using MIT-developed climate interactive simulation to understand and decide what measures we can use to lower the impact of global warming.
C. Environmental Investigation: Using Google environmental app to investigate light intensity, sound intensity, sound pitch, motion, magnetic strength in our environment.

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9073B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:2:00pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$3,430 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

*Learning Material includes Turing tumble set and material for the environmental investigation
學習資料包括Turing tumble套裝和環境研究資料
*Participant is advised to prepare an iPad or smart phone running with Android or iOs for environmental investigation and climate change activity 參加者需要自行預備智能手機或平板電腦作氣候改變和環境實驗活動
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: Achievers Track Company

🔴  VEX Robotics Challenge VEX 機械人挑戰 [Year 4-6年級]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9090A
Date 日期:20-23/12 (Mon - Thu)
For any level, including beginners 適合任何程度包括初學
Time 時間:9:30am-12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,800 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9090B
Date 日期:28-31/12 (Tue - Fri)
For students who joined VEX before 只適合曾經報讀的學生
Time 時間:9:30am-12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,800 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

🔴  VEX Robotics Challenge VEX 機械人挑戰 [Year 7-11年級]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9091A
Date 日期:20-23/12 & 28-31/12 (Mon – Fri)
For any level, including beginners 適合任何程度包括初學
Time 時間:1:30pm-4:30pm
Fee 費用:$4,400 (24hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語

🌟  Fitness運動

🔴  Badminton 羽毛球 (Aged 6-18歲)
Badminton is an aerobic sport that trains the hand-eye coordination. Our center’s coaching team provides all-rounded teaching with daily user-friendly examples during the course for easy understanding on world class badminton skills. Coaches also include games and pair drills in an attempt not just to stimulate students’ interest in badminton but also to trigger one’s abilities.

🔴  Badminton 羽毛球 [Age 6-9歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-S8011A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:1:00pm – 2:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,000 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-S8011B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:1:00pm – 2:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,000 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

🔴  Badminton 羽毛球 [Age 10-18歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-S8012A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-S8012B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

*Student need to bring along with their own racket 學生需要自備球拍上課
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: : J.K.F Education & Development

🔴  NIKE Basketball Fun Camp NIKE 籃球啓蒙營 [Age 5-7 歲]
For Beginners, or build up interest in playing basketball. 適合初學者,及建立對籃球的興趣。

Course Code 課程編號:221-S9102A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,000 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including camp gifts 已包禮品

🔴  NIKE Total Skills Camp NIKE 籃球進階訓練營 [Age 5-7 歲]
This camp has been designed with the objective of increase the level of the fundamental basketball skills: Dribbling, pass, shooting, footwork and 1X1 competition will be the main aspects to work. Be ready to be the MVP of the court. 此訓練營旨在幫助學員學習並深化籃球技巧的提升,包括運球/ 傳球/ 投籃/ 步法移動/ 1對1攻防,幫助成為技巧全面的MVP。

Course Code 課程編號:221-S9102B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,000 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including camp gifts 已包禮品

🔴  NIKE Total Skills Camp NIKE 籃球進階訓練營 [Age 8-16歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-S9103A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:9:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,000 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including camp gifts 已包禮品

🔴  NIKE Super Athlete Camp NIKE 籃球全明星營 [Age 8-16歲]
This camp is the perfect choice for those players who want to work on their skills and physic to be in a great shape. We will adapt the difficulty of the exercises to the age and level of the players. 此訓練營需要學員擁有個人籃球基礎技巧,旨在提升各學員不同層面的籃球水平,包括在技巧及體能。此訓練營根據學員的年齡及水平來制定難易程度不一的訓練內容,訓練結束後學員將在水平上有立竿見影的提升。

Course Code 課程編號:221-S9103B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:9:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,000 (12hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
Including camp gifts 已包禮品
*Fees include a NIKE Sports Camps Tee and Basketball or Drawstring Bag with a certificate
費用包括NIKE Sports Camp 球衣、籃球或索繩袋及證書
*May conduct at outdoor basketball court 可能於露天籃球場上課
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: GMF

🔴  Flying Dodgebee 躲避盤
Suitable for mixed men’s and women’s competitions, high-intensity training which emphasizing the number of player touches. Group tactics training, master the game mode and to enhance team cooperation ability through different game formats to stimulate players’ desire to score.

🔴  Flying Dodgebee 躲避盤 [Age 6-9歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-S7301A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,440 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-S7301B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,440 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

🔴  Flying Dodgebee 躲避盤 [Age 10-15歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-S7302A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,920 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-S7302B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,920 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🌟  Christmas Fun 歡樂聖誕

🔴  Chat Weiqi圍棋
The changes of Weiqi (Go) are astronomical and is known as the most complicated board game in the world, but the profoundness of it makes students irresistible. Weiqi (Go) makes students improve in mathematics. The more you become familiar with it, the more difficult it will increase, and you will find that the world of Weiqi (Go) will become bigger, it’s amazing!

🔴  Chat Weiqi圍棋 [Age 5-10歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9013A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,700 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including a chess set 費用已包圍棋一套

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9013B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,700 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including a chess set 費用已包圍棋一套

🔴  Chat Weiqi圍棋 [Age 11-15歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9014A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,180 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including a chess set 費用已包圍棋一套

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9014B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$2,180 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English / Cantonese 英語 / 粵語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🔴  The Chess Academy Camp - International Chess 棋藝學院 – 國際象棋 [Age 6-12歲]
The Chess Academy is the No.1 Chess Program in Hong Kong with the best coaches and curriculum. They are also specialists in conducting major tournaments. Chess requires a thorough understanding of rules, a belief in fair competition, learning from mistakes and the desire to challenge oneself. Through this process, children will develop stronger spatial reasoning, improved attention span, better sportsmanship and higher levels of confidence. Great Brain Workout!
棋藝學院是香港排名第一的國際象棋課程,擁有最好的教練和課程。他們是進行大型比賽的專家。 國際象棋需要對規則有透徹的了解,對公平競爭的信念,從錯誤中學習以及挑戰。 這個課程將提升學生的空間推理能力、注意力跨度及運動精神和自信心。
• A PIONEER in developing children’s chess in Hong Kong 香港發展兒童國際象棋的先驅
• Top, internationally-rated coaches and curriculum 國際一流的教練和課程
• Invaluable cognitive training for all ages 適合所有年齡的認知訓練

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9015A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:2:00pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9015B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:2:00pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構:ActiveKids

🔴  Wisdom Sudoku數獨
Sudoku is a very interesting number puzzle game with simple rules, easy to learn but difficult to master. Since it has nothing to do with number operations, so the level of mathematical ability does not affect the ability to play Sudoku. Sudoku is not only fun, but it can also train children’s patience and logical reasoning ability, which will surely become the best starting point for students to like mathematics.

🔴  Wisdom Sudoku數獨 [Aged 5-6歲]
Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y5011A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:00nn
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y5011B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:00nn
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

🔴  Wisdom Sudoku數獨 [Aged 5-8歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y5011A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 3:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y5011B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 3:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

🔴  Wisdom Sudoku數獨 [Aged 9-12歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y5021A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:3:00pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y5021B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:3:00pm – 4:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,600 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English / Cantonese 英語 / 粵語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🔴  Cheerful Bubble Pop 齊齊POPIT [Age 3-5歲]
Through a wealth of imagination and creative game design, an ordinary silicone board in hand will bring endless joy to children, help physical development and increase academic knowledge. 透過豐富的想像力,勇於創新的遊戲設計,手中一塊看似普通的矽膠板將為孩子帶來無窮的歡樂、幫助身體發展和增長學術知識。

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9018A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,080 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:
Date 日期:T221-Y9018A
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,080 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳

Course Code 課程編號:221- Y9018B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,080 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y9018B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,080 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English / Cantonese 英語 / 粵語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🔴  Fun Speech for Kids兒童趣味演講 [Age 3-5歲]
Verbal expression is the most direct way of communication. It is not easy to express your ideas in a coherent way with the information is accurate without misunderstandings. This is the difficulties that children often face in their learning career. Through eloquence and thinking improvement training, it can be a help for children on the way to learn, enhance self-confidence, and benefit infinitely in the future life.

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9020A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,440 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y9020A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,440 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點: Tseung Kwan O將軍澳

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9020B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:12:00nn – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$1,440 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-Y9020B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:9:30am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,440 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O將軍澳

*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English / Cantonese 英語 / 粵語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🔴  Awesome Video 微電影後製及剪片課程
Through the use of different lens movement techniques and independent use of iPad to shoot and edit movies, students can enhance the beauty of the film and use the lens to tell stories. Use iPad post-cutting app to edit, so that students’ videos will have sound, colour, pictures and become a work of attention!

🔴  Awesome Video 微電影後製及剪片課程 [Age 6-9歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-A9302A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:9:00am – 11:00am
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-A9302B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:9:00am – 11:00am
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

🔴  Awesome Video 微電影後製及剪片課程 [Age 10-14歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9303A
Date 日期:20/12 - 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:11:00am – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-Y9303B
Date 日期:28/12 - 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:11:00am – 1:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,400 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

*Student need to prepare their own iPad for lesson 學生需要自行準備iPad 平板電腦上課
*Student need to download the editing app: SPLICE Free Version App before attending the lesson
學生需於課堂前自行下載:SPLICE 免費版本應用程式
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English / Cantonese 英語 / 粵語
*Co-organized with 合辦機構: PISTIS

🔴  Digital Drawing 數碼繪畫 [Age 8-12]
Students will learn the knowledge and skills of digital drawing using iPad and Apple pencil; to let students experience creativity by using new technology. An online exhibition at the end of the course to showcase the talents and efforts of the students. 學生將會學習使用iPad和Apple Pencil學習數碼繪畫的知識和技能; 讓學生通過使用新技術來體驗創造力。 課程結束時會有線上展覽會,以展示學生的才華和努力。

Theme 主題: Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂
Course Code 課程編號:221-A9801A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,500 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:221-A9801B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:9:00am – 10:30am
Fee 費用:$1,500 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

*Student need to prepare their own iPad and Apple pencil 學生需要自行準備iPad平板電腦和Apple pencil
*Student need to purchase for the Procreate App ($78) or Procreate Pocket App ($38) before attending the lesson
學生需於課堂前自行購買Procreate 應用程式 ($78) 或Procreate Pocket 應用程式 ($38)
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語

🔴  Balloon Twisting Class 氣球扭扭樂 (Elementary Level 初級) [Age 8 or above]
Students will learn the basic skills of balloon twisting and make some easy balloon sculptures.
Course Code 課程編號:221-G9003A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon - Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:00nn
Fee 費用:$1,680 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:221-G9003B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue - Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:00nn
Fee 費用:$1,680 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
* Student needs to prepare a big bag each lesson for taking the balloon sculptures home
學生每堂需要自備一個大袋, 以取回作品
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: English 英語

🔴  Magic Class 魔術班
Students can gradually discover and understand themselves more through different types of magic experience. Magic is not only an interest, but can also strengthen their touch, body and sound sensitivity, thereby developing their flexibility.

🔴  Magic Class 魔術班[Age 3-6歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-G9001A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 2:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,520 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:T221-G9001A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 11:30am
Fee 費用:$1,520 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O將軍澳

Course Code 課程編號:221-G9001B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:1:30pm – 2:30pm
Fee 費用:$1,520 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

Course Code 課程編號:T221-G9001B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 11:30am
Fee 費用:$1,520 (4hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Tseung Kwan O將軍澳

🔴  Magic Class 魔術班 [Age 7-11歲]
Course Code 課程編號:221-G9002A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,260 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:221-G9002B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:2:30pm – 4:00pm
Fee 費用:$2,260 (6hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘

* Materials include: magic coin, magic card, magic disc, magic sponges
* The instructor will teach 4-6 magic performances depending on the students’ abilities
* Medium of instructions授課語言: English 英語
* Co-organized with 合辦機構:PISTIS

🔴  Leather Crafting Christmas Joy皮革製作聖誕歡樂班 [Age 13-19歲]
There are lots of challenges in the process of making leather accessories. The funniest part of which is to gain sense of achievement via learning and problem solving. The course is mainly focusing on producing leather accessories by using patina and craft method that makes a special texture and dual color effect. Students will complete 3 leather products in class: Card Holder, ID card holder, and pencil case.

Course Code 課程編號:221-A9701A
Date 日期:20/12 – 23/12 (Mon – Thu)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,360 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
including materials 已包材料費

Course Code 課程編號:221-A9701B
Date 日期:28/12 – 31/12 (Tue – Fri)
Time 時間:10:30am – 12:30pm
Fee 費用:$3,360 (8hrs)
Class Venue 上課地點:Kowloon Tong 九龍塘
*Medium of instructions 授課語言: Cantonese with English/ Mandarin explanation if needed 粵語附以英語/普通話解釋
* Co-organized with 合辦機構: J.K.F Education & Development
