Visual ArtsExhibitionFree

ONENESS: Painting Offering to Nature by ArBlackChrisKadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

2023-06-08 ~ 09-30 ( 9:30 PM ~ 4:30 PM ) (closed irregularly in July and August, please refer to the website for details)

“Oneness” (歸一) implies that all things in the universe are interconnected and share the same root. There is no distinction between you and me, nor any other living creature, but urban development and technological advancements have caused city dwellers to gradually overlook the preciousness of nature and forget the inseparable connection between nature and humanity.

The highlight of this exhibition and its related activities is to “Discover the Origin” (尋找本源). We hope visitors can appreciate the wisdom of nature and connect with our true source through this exhibition, and subsequently pay more attention to and cherish the countryside and wildlife. Our goal is for Hong Kong to become a more beautiful living environment in the future.

The works in this exhibition are created by artist ArBlackChris, who uses watercolours, acrylic and wood to depict nature and wildlife in his paintings. The artist creates multiple pieces showcasing the beauty and uniqueness of various wildlife and plants, expressing respect for all things in nature and the power of unity. We hope the public can find healing and inspiration from these works, while also gaining a deeper understanding of and concern for the nature that we are closely related to, and contribute to creating a more harmonious and beautiful natural environment.


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Production / Artist