
Baker’s LungPROJECT21st

Presented by
Co-creator / Trombone / Invented instruments
2023-06-29 ~ 06-30 ( 6:00 PM , 6:30 PM , 7:00 PM , 7:30 PM )

Baker's Lung

“Baker’s Lung”, the second event of the #musicismore series combines professional baking experience and music practice. Both music and food are communal experiences that connect us as human beings, “Baker’s Lung” aims to amplify this connection and explore the relationships between sound and the making of bread.

Inspired by Felix Del Tredici, a Canadian brass performer and professional baker for one of Montréal’s most popular artisanal bakeries. "Baker’s Lung" offers a glimpse into a baker’s life and work environment that the public rarely experiences, a sonic playground that invites introspection about the relationship between trombones and sourdough, acoustics and ingredients, and our lungs and flour.

This interactive art exhibit will feature newly created sound sculptures, musical instruments, media art, and live performances. Together with multifaceted performing artist Kalun Leung, “Baker’s Lung” will take you on a sensual and thought-provoking journey where you can experience music with your hands, eyes, and nose. Come and enjoy the delicious baking smell and explore the possibilities of sound in this music bakery!

Del Tredici’s sourdough starter from Montréal will be offered to attendees as part of the exhibit (while stock last).

Live Performance:
29-30.6.2023 | 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm
(Registration required)

Baker’s Lung Exhibition Period:
(Free admission)

Black Box & Gallery, Goethe-Institut Hongkong, Hong Kong Art Centre


Please note:
1/ The exhibit is child-friendly.
2/ Wheat, flour, and latex will be used throughout the exhibit - those with allergies to said substances should take the necessary precautions.
3/ The performances are self-paced half-hour experiences, audiences can stay as long as they wish.

Production / Artist
Presented byPROJECT21st
Co-creator / Trombone / Invented instrumentsKalun Leung
PercussionKaren Yu