
第三屆香港古樂節 鑑古樂演奏講座及工作坊雅樂合奏團有限公司

2023-10-11 ( 7:30 PM )
HKD 380

Matthew Manchester 博士主講。

• 節奏的變化
• 樂句裝飾手法
• 參考古代文獻 ( Diego Ortiz, Giovanni Conforti, Giovanni Bovicelli 與其他 )


- 歡迎自備現代或仿古樂器試奏 ( A=440 )。

Matthew Manchester is one of Australia's leading performers and teachers of early music. He holds a Bachelor of Music (Music Education) with Honours, a Master of Music (Performance) and a PhD from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
Matthew plays a variety of early wind and brass instruments, most notably cornetto and baroque trumpet. His discography includes dozens of recordings in the UK and Australia, and he has performed with local and international ensembles including the Gabrieli Consort, His Majesty’s Sagbutts & Cornetts, Pinchgut Opera & The Orchestra of the Antipodes, Van Diemen’s Band, Bach Akademie Australia, the Muffat Collective, and the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, with whom he has appeared as soloist and guest conductor.
Matthew is a passionate advocate for music education. In addition to lecturing at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, he is the Director of the acclaimed Fort Street Instrumental Music Program, conductor of the NSW Schools Symphonic Wind Orchestra, and is in demand as a guest conductor and clinician.