
"The Wizard of Oz"Face Productions

Presented by
2024-05-25 ( 3:00 PM , 7:30 PM )
2024-05-26 ( 11:00 AM , 3:00 PM )
HKD 450, 400, 350

Face Productions全新製作百老匯經典作品《綠野仙蹤 The Wizard of Oz》音樂劇。

《綠野仙蹤 The Wizard of Oz》主要講述了桃樂絲、小狗嘟嘟以及她的叔叔和嬸嬸在美國堪薩斯州組成的家庭的故事。他們因為一場雙龍捲風的來襲,被帶離了堪薩斯州,隨後他們來到了奧茲國,故事也由此展開。奧茲國由東方和西方的壞女巫以及南方和北方的好女巫統治,並由奧茲大王的翡翠城所組成。

劇中有多首經典名曲包括 "Over the Rainbow", "We're Off to See the Wizard", Ding! Dong! The Witch is Dead" 等等。



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Presented byFace Productions
Face Productions is a stage school, production company, and talent management agency. We offer students aged 10 – 25 training and experience within the performing arts as well as develop the necessary skills to join professional full-time performing arts programmes worldwide. At Face Academy we provide a safe space for students to develop their self-confidence and individuality, both as a performer and as a young person getting ready to take on the world.