
NarniaKids' Gallery

Presented by
Lighting Designer
2024-12-14 ~ 12-15 ( 11:00 AM )
2024-12-14 ( 2:30 PM )
HKD 480, 420, 360, 300


The three performances are met to be shown to an audience of teachers, pupils and other persons directly connected with the activities of the establishment (e.g. parents/guardians) for the purpose of instruction and as a part of the organisers’ Winter Wonderland 2024 celebration and showcase of performing arts students ages 1-12, and therefore, are not “public performances”.

優先購票期間 ( 2024-11-20 ( 12:00PM ) 或之前):
- 只限持有通行碼人士購票
- 只發售A區門票


- 同一交易內每人限購最多8張門票,填寫購票數量後系統會分派座位。
- 系統會盡量安排相連座位給同一交易內登記的門票,但也可能有座位不相連的情況,付款前請留意分派到的座位,如無法接受所分派的座位請勿購買。

Presented byKids' Gallery
Set DesignerJulia Koo
Costume DesignerJulia Koo
Lighting DesignerSiubao Fong
Sound DesignerLee Ma Tai
Stage ManagerChan Long
Deputy Stage ManagerHermia To