
Lee Man Sang was born in a small Hakka village in the New Territories of Hong Kong. At the age of 14 he moved to England, where he worked in his family's restaurant and studied modern art. In 1992, Lee returned to Hong Kong and set up an art studio in a 300-year-old schoolhouse in his native village. He works primarily as a sculptor, using wood and other natural materials to create both formalist and functional art, including musical instruments of his own invention. Many of his recent sculptural works incorporate concepts derived from traditional Chinese culture, such as the logographic form of Chinese characters. Lee is also active as a performance artist and improvisational musician, collaborating with Hong Kong artists working in various media to create performance events.

At once a master craftsman, musician and sculptor, Lee lives a reclusive life in the rural part of Hong Kong and his art reflects his love of nature and rhythm with strong solitary sentiment. Lee's sculptures combine traditional function of the Chinese seal and the beautiful natural texture of timber wood. They are carved with precision to illustrate rivers and farmlands that surround his home. In the recent years Lee has been focusing on assembling and working with found materials and artefacts from his ancestral village and creating hand-made objects and instruments. Lee Man Sang's works have the quality of a sophisticated craft though it is his profound concept and subtlety that distinguish him as a sculptor from his contemporaries.

Has been with Sin Sin Fine Art since 2009.


資料來源:Sin Sin Fine Art

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2021.6.11 - 7.31
2007.9.21 - 22