Andre Basora

Alternative rock, hardcore techno, vaporwave, experimental hip-hop, bossa nova, jazz-funk, and metal: this wide variety of musical genres describes who Andre Basora is. He always insists on pushing the boundaries of music to see where the creativity of the human mind can lead. Andre creates his own music under the moniker Agon, delving into atmospheric black metal with influences from multiple genres. The solo project has released one album, one EP, multiple singles, and a split. Physical merchandise such as t-shirts, CD’s, patches, stickers, and pins were also produced for Agon. Some traction for the music even caught the attention of online magazines with few album reviews and online interviews. Although there have been no live shows yet, and Agon is still an unknown name, the determination and passion to create and spread boundary-pushing music is still at heart.


資料來源:Jazz For Fun HK

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2022.11.2 - 12.16