
Finale performance A Tale of Two CirclesLeisure and Cultural Services Department

2018-09-08 ( 7:30 PM )
2018-09-09 ( 3:00 PM )
HKD 60

The Central and Western districts are two important locations on Hong Kong Island, combining the best of East and West. Old Central, characterised by European sentiments was the heart of politics and economics, while old Western district, primarily settled by Chinese, was a trade port for food stuff. A group of residents from Central and Western District are invited to take part in A Tale of Two Circles to re-enact their own precious stories. They worked diligently in Central to earn a living and to support their children’s schooling and hoping that their offspring would work in Central. Some of them were trained to become a craftsman, setting up small business in the Western District. Their anecdotes in these two areas would all be shown in A Tale of Two Circles.